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Dear Friends:
Over the past fifteen years I have been able to experience coaching at two great universities in two wonderful places. Coaching at Northwestern University in Chicago was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. A great city, an awesome school, wonderful diversity and challenging young people, how could you ask for more? Being able to guide a program that had not had much success to two back to back Big Ten Championships and to have our university and community experience two New Year's Day bowl games was truly humbling and exciting.
Then to be able to return "home" to Colorado where I had spent my entire adult and professional life and coach in four Big Twelve Championship games and win the Colorado's first and only Big Twelve Championship has been remarkable.
But I think that having won the NCAA academic award for graduation 100% of our players and having a 79% graduation rate has been just as rewarding and satisfying for me.
I have been able to work at great Universities, with tremendous administrators, wonderful coaches and amazing players. The relationships are forever and I cherish each school, every player, their families and our entire coaching family tree.
Gary |